Friday, September 7, 2007

Engaged with exams... (i)

today i took my English exam. what a lengthy paper it was, though i completed it pretty well but not early enough as i just finished my last 10 mark literature question 5 min before the end-time. What a close shave it was for me !!

So not thinking too much after the past (9 hours ago is past), i am now concentrating on my next exam i.e. Physics (already started feeling Newton,Einstein). But also i have sliced out time to read other upcoming subjects also for which i am not going to get enough time..

end note : I shouldn't be here writing blogs, i should be back in my room studying for the exams.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

BLOGGING for the first time.

After using informations from others blogs for about 2 years i decided to start blogging myself. "Pretty late", somebody may think but believe i did not have time to even think about that although the contrasting fact is this now i have even lesser time but since i am determined so i did it. And LO! it is here.